
Our Mission

We will strengthen our corporate governance and increase our compliance and risk management to ensure our management is more transparent and objective and to solidify the confidence that our customers, employees, business partners, local communities and shareholders have in us.

Issues in corporate governance

We define management transparency and the clarification of responsibilities as the greatest keys to corporate governance. Actively introducing the perspectives of people outside the company, we have formulated the basic policy laid out below.

  • (1) We will respect shareholders and ensure their equality. We will consider the interests of employees, customers, business partners, local communities and other stakeholders and properly work together with them.
  • (2) We will disclose information about the company in timely and appropriate manners and ensure transparency.
  • (3) The Board of Directors will correctly understand and fulfill its fiduciary duties and its accountability to the shareholders.

Issues in compliance

We define compliance as the observance of laws, regulations, corporate ethics and other social rules and also internal rules. We see compliance as a basic social responsibility in the conducting of business activities and strive to ensure it. Our steps for ensuring compliance include compliance education, the protection of personal information, the exclusion of anti-social forces, the observance of laws related to proper advertising and labeling, the whistleblowing system and other activities.

Issues in risk management

The Group is working to develop and improve its risk management structure and the mechanism for increasing its risk response capabilities and implementing sustainable management. We are working to create a system that, in particular, minimizes losses incurred by society and the company when risks related to climate change, the exhaustion of resources or large-scale natural disasters, geopolitical risks following globalization, foreign exchange risks or other social or environmental risks become a reality.