Information disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations

We believe that climate change is a key environmental issue and we implement measures to address climate change on a groupwide scale. We have recently analyzed the financial impact of risks and opportunities related to climate change in accordance with the framework of the TCFD recommendations. The findings of this analysis are as follows.

Governance and risk management

We have established a Sustainability Committee chaired by the executive officer in charge of sustainability that operates under the supervision of the Board of Director.
The Sustainability Committee formulates policy for the sustainability activities of the entire Group and monitors individual activities. As part of these activities, it manages risks and opportunities related to climate change.
The executive officer in charge of sustainability regularly reports to the Board of Directors yearly and as necessary.


Strategy and scenario analysis

We analyzed the future impact of climate change on our business in hypothetical scenarios using the following assumptions.

Period Until 2030 and 2050
Business Writing instrument
usinessScenarios 4 °C of warming (without any measures against climate change): SSP3-7.0
2 °C of warming (with strict measures against climate change): SSP1-2.6
(Source) IPCC AR6 WG1 SPM

Large: Risks that have such an impact on business that it is urgently necessary to consider response measures
Medium: Risks that have an impact on business that necessitates the consideration of response measures
Small: Risks whose impact on business is considered limited

Large: Opportunities with the potential for the new business or the continued expansion of business at an early stage and in a specific form
Medium: Opportunities with the potential for the new business or the continued expansion of business
Small: Opportunities with the potential for the expansion of business whose impact is expected to be minor

Results of the 2 °C warming scenario analysis (with strict measures against climate change)

Social orientation Risk Opportunities
Descriptions Level Countermeasures Descriptions Level Countermeasures
Emphasis on climate action Costs increase due to the carbon tax and other measures Medium Accelerate energy conservation activities Increase demand for low-carbon products Large Accelerate efforts to develop low-carbon products
Acceleration of the establishment of a recycling society Shift to the use of recycled plastics Medium Establish technologies for using recycled materials Increase demand for products made from recycled plastics Medium Accelerate efforts to develop products made of recycled plastics
Insufficient efforts to reduce the use of plastics Medium Reduction and replacement of plastics (in package materials and other applications) Increase demand for products whose plastic use has been reduced Medium Accelerate efforts to develop products that lead to the reduction of plastic consumption (such as package materials)
Maintenance and conservation of biodiversity Intensification of forest conservation Medium Increase use of wood from certified forests Increase demand for products made of wood from certified forests Medium Accelerate efforts to develop products made of wood from certified forests
Toughening of environmental regulations Toughening of regulations on chemical substances and other regulations Small Maintain and strengthen the current environmental management system Increase demand for products that comply with environmental regulations Small Accelerate efforts to develop products that comply with environmental regulations

Results of the 4 °C warming scenario analysis (without any measures against climate change)

Social orientation Risk Opportunities
Descriptions Level Countermeasures Descriptions Level Countermeasures
Intensification of weather disasters Suspension of factory operations due to damage from disasters Medium Develop a business continuity plan (BCP) on the assumption of climate change
Increased average and maximum temperatures Adverse impact on employee health Small Provide an appropriate working environment

The scenario analysis confirmed that it is possible to continue business by taking measures to respond to risks that are believed to have a major impact, although climate change will have some financial impact in either scenario.
It also confirmed that we will aim to achieve 2 °C warming scenario, in which it is possible to achieve both the slowing of climate change and the growth of business.
As our strategy for addressing climate change, we formulated an action policy and identified key environmental issues.

Our Mission

We will mitigate climate change by reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and promoting efficient use of energy in all facets of our organization and its operations.
We will contribute towards a resource-circulating society by promoting resource conservation and recycling.
We will contribute towards the creation of a society with less environmental impact by appropriately controlling chemical substances used in our products and manufacturing processes.
We will strive to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and products to protect biodiversity and ecosystems.
We will organize a corporate governance system to promote environmental conservation, ensuring increased awareness and proactive actions of our employees.

Key Environmental Challenges

  • Climate change
  • Resources
  • Environmental pollution
  • Biodiversity

Metrics and targets

We have defined CO2 emissions as an indicator of our efforts to slow climate change.
For other key issues, we will strive to set specific targets and disclose them.

2030 2050
CO2 emissions 50%reduction 100%reduction
Efficient use of energy 15%reduction 35%reduction
Renewable energy 50% 100%
reduction by 2030
reduction by 2050
Efficient use of energy
reduction by 2030
reduction by 2050
reduction by 2030
reduction by 2050

We are aiming to achieve a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions from the Mitsubishi Pencil Group as a whole by 2030 (*1) and a 100% reduction by 2050. To this end, we are also aiming to reduce our energy consumption by 15% (*2) by 2030 and by 35% (*2) by 2050.
In addition, we are aiming to secure 50% of our Group's total energy from renewable energy sources by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

To meet these demands for total carbon emissions reduction, it is imperative for us to also set up a sustainable supply chain management.

  1. *1: Based on CO2 emissions in 2021.
  2. *2: Based on energy consumption (per unit of sales) in 2021.
  1. Scope of coverage: Changed from the Group's major domestic sites to all domestic and overseas sites (as of December 2023).
  2. Base year: Changed from 2015 to 2021 due to the expanded scope of coverage.