How to remove ink - JETSTREAM -

  • Since our ink is designed with importance on preservability, it is very difficult to remove the ink adhering to clothing and furniture.
  • Even if those are washed by dry clearners, the ink would become lighter but cannot be removed completely.

In case you remove the ink yourself [from general clothing]

Please note
  • How to remove depends on the type of ink.
  • Be careful of fire and ventilation when using alcohol solvents.
  • Detergents and solvents (water and alcohol) can damage clothing. Check the label and try it on a piece of clothing or in an inconspicuous place before using it.
  • Detergents and solvents can damage your skin. Please wear gloves.
Materials to prepare
  • (Weak) Alkaline detergent and solid soap
  • Alcohol-based solvent for disinfection, etc.
  • Lukewarm or tap water
  • Several cloths that you don't mind getting dirty such as towels
    * The cloths will be used for absorbing ink and blotting ink from clothing.
How to do

Wet the part stained with ink with lukewarm water or water so that the ink does not spread.

Squeeze" ink from the fiber.

Apply a solid soap to the part stained with the ink and rinse with lukewarm water or tap water after washiing by hands as "squeezeing" ink out from the fiber.
Repeat the above step until ink stain does not fade off anymore. And then Go to step (3).

Apply solvent to the ink and wash it.
Apply an alcohol-based solvent to the part stained with the ink and rinse with lukewarm water or tap water after washing by hands as "squeezing out" from the fiber as (2).
Repeat the above step until ink stain does not become thinner anymore. And then Go to step (4).
* If you skip step (1) and (2) and do step (3) only, the ink stain will spread out.

Absorb the ink that has spread thinly by the solvent with a cloth you don't mind getting dirty.

Place the clothing stained with ink (put the stained side down) on the cloth you don't mind getting dirty.
Apply a few drops of alcohol solvent around the ink on your clothing and quickly tap the clothing with a "cloth for blotting ink".
Repeat this step and when the ink does not come off anymore, rinse thoroughly with water or lukewarm water.

Finish with normal washing in a washing machine.