Mitsubishi Pencil Group
Human Rights Policy

This policy is intended to demonstrate the Mitsubishi Pencil Group's approach and responsibility for respecting human rights. Along with our corporate philosophy of "Uniquely Beautiful," the Mitsubishi Pencil Group is deeply aware of our responsibility as a company in a society where the dignity of all people is protected, and we respect the human rights of the people we work with, our business partners, our users, and the people in our local communities.

The Mitsubishi Pencil Group understands that its business activities may affect the human rights of the people we work with, our business partners, users, and local communities. We respect human rights in our business activities and strive to fulfill our responsibilities as a corporate group by responding appropriately to any negative impact that may arise as a result of our actions. We also aim to "deliver safe tools that can be used with peace of mind to everyone. Additionally, the Mitsubishi Pencil Group will work to maintain and promote safe and healthy work environments, prohibit forced labor and child labor, and prohibit discrimination and inhumane treatment in employment practices. In addition, we request that our suppliers and other Mitsubishi Pencil Group business partners also comply with these principles. We also recognize that our business activities may impact local communities and will strive to achieve harmony with them.

This policy is placed above the "Basic Compliance Regulations," "Supplier Code of Conduct," and other rules and documents related to respect for human rights and applies to all officers and employees of Mitsubishi Pencil Group companies.

1. Compliance with International Norms and Laws

The Mitsubishi Pencil Group will respect the human rights norms stated in the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations Global Compact, and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Mitsubishi Pencil Group will endeavor to comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region in which it operates. In the event of inconsistencies between internationally recognized core human rights laws and regulations of each country or region, we will endeavor to comply with internationally recognized human rights standards.

2. Human rights due diligence to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights

Risk Assessment

The Mitsubishi Pencil Group will strive to identify, avoid, and mitigate the negative impacts of its business activities on the human rights of the people it works with, its business partners, users, and local communities.

Correction and Remediation

The Mitsubishi Pencil Group will work to remedy any direct or indirect negative human rights impacts resulting from its business activities through appropriate investigations and responses.

3. Education

The Mitsubishi Pencil Group will provide education and training to all members of its organization to ensure this policy is understood and implemented in all its business activities.

4. Dialogue with Society

The Mitsubishi Pencil Group will engage in dialogue with people we work with, suppliers, users, and local communities regarding negative impacts on human rights, taking into account experts' opinions.

5. Reporting and Disclosure

The progress of our efforts based on this policy will be appropriately disclosed on our website and through other public information resources.

Adopted on July 27, 2023

Shigehiko Suhara
Shigehiko Suhara