Mitsubishi Pencil Group Environmental Policy

Mitsubishi Pencil Group will work to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities throughout the entire supply chain. We will comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations, respond to social demands, and continuously improve our implementation system and operation methods.

Sustainable Resource Use

We will strive to procure and use sustainable raw materials, promote recycling, including resource conservation and waste reduction, and provide long-life products, thereby contributing to the promotion of sustainable consumption and the realization of a resource-recycling society.

Responding to Climate Change

We will contribute to mitigating climate change by reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and promoting the efficient use of energy.

Control of Environmental Pollution

We will contribute to creating a society with less environmental impact by appropriately managing chemical substances used in our products and manufacturing processes and controlling environmental pollution, including water and air pollution.

Biodiversity Conservation

We will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity through our business activities.

We will strive to develop an internal system to promote ecological conservation and ensure that our employees are aware of the importance of environmental preservation and their actions.

Adopted on January 11, 2024

Shigehiko Suhara
数原 滋彦